Advisory Board
The Advisory Board for the Center for Space Science and Engineering at Virginia Tech (Space@VT) provides critical input for future growth and continued success.
The Advisory Board provides input on research opportunities and directions, as well as guidance for curricula and training for educating future space science and engineering students. Members of the Space@VT advisory board are leaders in the fields of space science, space engineering, and space technology.
The current membership is as follows:
- Chair - Kevin Leclaire - Geoshare / Lockheed Martin
- Janet Bachtel - Lockheed Martin
- Richard Behnke - SciencePrime, LLC
- Richard Bevilacqua (Chair Emeritus) - Naval Research Lab
- David Bowles - Virginia Institute for Spaceflight and Autonomy, ODU
- Claudio (Cesare) Caprio - BAE Systems
- Lauren Dreyer - SpaceX
- Keith Englander - Missile Defense Agency
- James Fishenden - Aerospace Inc.
- Rob Fulton - Valkyrie Strategic Partners, LLC
- Larry Gordley - GATS, Inc.
- Peter Hadinger - Inmarsat
- Brian Holz - MANGATA Works
- Mark Jahshan - Peraton, Inc.
- Nafiz Karabudak - Lockheed Martin
- Michael Keeton - Northrop Grumman Orbital Science Corp.
- Jackie Kendall - Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
- John Klingelhoeffer - ARL
- Andrew Kwas - NGC
- Dino Lorenzini - Space Quest
- Michael McLelland - Southwest Research Institute
- Michael Mulqueen - HRL Laboratories
- Larry Paxton - Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
- David Pierce - NASA Wallops Flight Facility
- Amit Puri - Ingenicomm, Inc.
- Patricia Remias - Sierra Nevada Corp. Space Systems
- Erica Rodgers - NASA Headquarters
- Dan Sable - VPT, Inc.
- Shey Sabripour - CesiumAstro
- Philip Smith - NASA Wallops Flight Facility
- Richard Stapp - NGC
- Michelle Thompson - Open Research Institute, Inc.
- Brandon Witcher - VPT, Inc.